COVID Protocols

Worship with us in person!

We meet at Gibson Center on Sundays at 2pm. When you arrive to church, three things will happen:

  1. You will sign in

  2. Temperature will be taken

  3. COVID screening questions will be asked

  4. If this is your first Sunday service attendance since the mandate requiring all attendees to be double vaccinated, you will need to show your proof of vaccination (in compliance with Gibson Center). Download your vaccine receipt here.

For everyone’s safety, we encourage our members to self-screen prior to coming to church. If the response to any of these questions is YES, the individual should not enter the Gibson Centre and should follow Public Health guidelines and worship from home. Pre-screening questions are as follows:

  • Do you have any new or worsening symptoms or signs of COVID-19?

  • Have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days and been advised to quarantine as per the federal quarantine requirements?

  • Have you had close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19?


Can’t join us?

We understand that not everyone can join us in person. We still want to celebrate and worship God together. Join via our Youtube live stream.