Frequently Asked Questions
our location and time
We worship at Gibson Centre at 11am (105 Gibson Dr. , Markham). Tugboat class will meet for their service in the large open area near room 111 (Tugboat's former meeting room).
LTC offers a variety of programs for children in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. They will join their parents at 11am until they are dismissed to the large open area near room 111 (Tugboat's former meeting room). This ministry is run by screened, trained, and eager volunteers who love and care for our children. All children need to be registered at the desk in the hallway before the service begins and they should be picked up no later than 12:20 pm.
Teens from grades 7 to 12 will join the adults to worship on Sundays. They are also invited to join Anchor (our youth ministry) which meets twice a month. For more information, please email
Please note that on the first Sunday of every month, we have a congregation worship where children will join us for the whole service to worship together.
Baptism is a sacrament ordained by Jesus Christ as a sign and seal of the covenant of grace for the believers. It displays the embracing of the Gospel - initial forgiveness and cleansing from sin, faith and repentance, the new life of the new birth, and being in union with Christ. It also acts as an entrance into the full fellowship of the visible church. Baptism is to be administered only once in a person’s lifetime. You should be baptized if you have repented of your sins and trusted in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.
As Presbyterians, we believe that baptism is to be administered to the children of Christians. We do this to show that God reaches toward us in love, before we have any ability to choose, to behave well, or to become loveable. Confirmation happens when that child (around age 13) is taught about the Christian faith, given a mentor to help him or her understand it, and then is faced with whether to embrace the faith into which he or she has been baptized. You should be confirmed if you were baptized as an infant and have repented of your sins and trusted in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.
More information to come.
Membership will allow you to become a vital and active part of our growing community, with great privileges and responsibilities. Please note that you must be baptized or confirmed in order to take the class which will be offered twice a year.
More information to come.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly at LTC as a demonstration and remembrance of the perfect life and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ for us. We believe that this is an important ordinary means of God’s grace to His church that visibly symbolizes the beauty of the Gospel . These ordinary things, bread and juice, when consumed in faith, will lead to a powerful experience of the Gospel.
Some might say, “Why so often?” First, we believe that there is strong evidence of a pattern of weekly observance in the New Testament (Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 11:20, 25). Second, we believe that we would benefit more by a regular use of the Christ-ordained means for reminding us of the cross than not. The Lord’s Table will invite the believers to focus on the cross of Christ and His return as our hope and joy.
Then if you have put your faith in Jesus Christ and have been baptized or confirmed, we welcome you to join us at the table. If you are not yet a Christian, we ask that you refrain from taking communion. Your children can join us to observe, but not to participate.
Thank you for considering giving to LTC. All gifts will be used to support all the ministries at LTC and to fulfill the Great Commission in making disciples of all nations. Currently, we are not accepting cash or cheques. To give online, please visit our RebelGive page here.
LTC believes in the importance of denominational affiliation. To this end, we are actively and intentionally looking for a denomination that is evangelical and reformed to join.