current Sermon Series

Genesis: The Unfolding of God’s Revelational History

The Book of Genesis tells the story of a God who created everything out of nothing in order to bless His people and glorify Himself. In this book, we will encounter a God who speaks the cosmos into existence, forms humanity with care, and gives us the gift of His image. Yet, we will also witness the tragic fall of humanity and the devastating consequences of sin; but, even amidst the brokenness, Genesis shines with hope as God's faithfulness to His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, points forward to His ultimate plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Then join us as we explore this remarkable book – and let us ask God to open our hearts and minds so that we will come to see that God is at work in our lives, unfolding His perfect plan as He did in creation.

Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto

A Story of Redemption

The best is yet to come because God is plotting for our joy. We may not be able to see it, but He is with us – perfectly orchestrating all things to fulfill His purpose in us. Then I pray that we would have the eyes to see God’s kind providence for our lives so that we will praise Him and delight in Him all the days of our lives.

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Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto

Seeking Rest

Life will constantly tempt us to take matters into our own hands – but may we learn to rest in the One who holds the future knowing that He will always be kind to us.

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Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto

Healing in His Wings

Take refuge under the wings of the Lord because it will not only fill you with life and hope but will also empower you to be a blessing to others in all circumstances. As you think through the implications of His sweet providence in your life, may you experience this joy that cannot be taken away.

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Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto Woohyun Jung Lighthouse Toronto

Providence in Pain

The Book of Ruth is about the providence of God – how God’s hidden hand moves in our lives to bring all things together for His glory and the good of His people. Then no matter what circumstance you may be in today, I invite you to trust Him and count your blessings for this will guard your heart.

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